How to use passive rest for perfect relaxation of body and mind

"I don't have time for this." "I have to finish this." "Relaxation is a waste of time." "There's no time to waste." Can you hear yourself? Modern times leave us in no doubt - life is a constant merry-go-round of obligations, deadlines, and rapid change, and unfortunately, most of us can find a reason to stay in that hectic spiral today. And tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow. In the whirlwind of work, we often forget that in addition to active engagement, passive rest is also crucial for our bodies and minds. Why not deny ourselves that? What benefits does it have and how can we incorporate it into our daily routine?

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How to use passive rest for perfect relaxation of body and mind

„I don’t have time for this.“ „I have to finish this.“ „Relaxation is a waste of time.“ „There’s no time to waste.“ Can you hear yourself? Modern times leave us in no doubt – life is a constant merry-go-round of obligations, deadlines, and rapid change, and unfortunately, most of us can find a reason to stay in that hectic spiral today. And tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow. In the whirlwind of work, we often forget that in addition to active engagement, passive rest is also crucial for our bodies and minds. Why not deny ourselves that? What benefits does it have and how can we incorporate it into our daily routine?

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Jak využít pasivní odpočinek k dokonalé relaxaci těla i mysli

„Na to nemám čas.“ „Tohle musím ještě dodělat.“ „Relax je ztráta času.“ „Není čas ztrácet čas.“ Slyšíte se? Moderní doba nás nenechává na pochybách – život je neustálým kolotočem povinností, termínů a rychlých změn, a bohužel většina z nás si umí najít důvod, proč v té hektické spirále ještě dneska vydržet. A zítra taky. A pozítří stoprocentně. Ve víru pracovního nasazení často zapomínáme, že kromě aktivního zapojení je pro naše tělo i mysl klíčový také pasivní odpočinek. Proč si ho neodpírat? Jako benefity má a jak ho začlenit do své každodenní rutiny? 

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